Is Rendered Item Valid XHtml Document Could not find schema information warnings during publish item Sitecore 7.2
Note: Since we now live in the HTML5 world, the simple resolution to any XHtml validation errors is to remove the XHtml validation rules on System->Settings->Validation Rules->Global Rules item. Sitecore should update it's validation rules to be relevant to HTML5. This make the rest of this post obsolete :). I created a simple approval workflow in Sitecore 7.5 and tried to approve an item for publishing and found a bunch of validation errors in the Validation Results. Most of them were related to the "Is Rendered Item Valid XHtml Document" section which looked like this: The problems were related to violations of the W3C HTML5 recommendation An important note here is: The element containing the character encoding declaration must be serialized completely within the first 1024 bytes of the document. Adding the following xmlns attribute to the Html tag fixed most of the errors: <html lang="en" xmlns="
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