Sitecore Tabbed Select Rendering dialog

If you aren't already doing this, you should be!

Found an interesting module (unable to find it on Sitecore Marketplace) to show renderings grouped into tabs while using the Select Rendering dialog from page editor.

The idea is to go from this:


The approach is promising with a few updates:

  • Tried implementing it by inheriting from SelectRenderingForm and it did not work. No rendering items were being listed. Had to decompile Sitecore.Client.dll and copy the code from Sitecore.Shell.Applications.Dialogs.SelectRendering.SelectRenderingForm
  • Had to comment the following line in OnLoad 
this.Renderings.InnerHtml = this.RenderPreviews((IEnumerable<Item>)renderingOptions.Items);
  • Found a few issues with the styles, could have be an updated style sheet for Sitecore 7.5, but had to add the following attributes to the tabstrip
Background="white" Padding="0px" style="position:absolute; width:100%;top:0px"
Here is a detailed description of my implementation.


  1. Being new to the blogging world I feel like there is still so much to learn. Your tips helped to clarify a few things for me on SiteCore


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